Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday - Which of you does not seek the lost one?

Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it?  Luke 15:4

The radical love of God is expressed in this scripture.  It makes no sense to leave the 99 unattended, putting them at risk, to go after one lost sheep.  But that is what God does.  In fact, a more radical concept is that God would send one sole person - his Son - to come down to save the whole creation in a manner that seems not in God's way. 

But God communicates the fullness of his love in Jesus, in this parable of the lost sheep, in this gift of faith to remind us the extent that God will go to find those who are lost.

So the question might be rephrased, "What are you willing to risk to find the lost?"  The answer will always pale in comparison to God's own response.  Yet we are called to be bold with this faith and to seek out the lost.  It is gift and challenge for which a deeper level of faith will be found. 

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