Thursday, July 10, 2014

Back to blogging.

What I find interesting about blogging is that I can write these words but never know if anyone ever reads them.  I have been noticeably absent from this blog as I have focused more on facebook postings but have come to realize that the depth of writing and discussion may best be used in the blog format.

We are planning to start a new outreach ministry at Trinity Lutheran.  At the present moment we are calling it Wandering Vine.  Our vision is to provide a unique worship gathering outside of our traditional worship space for a more non-traditional population.  From everything I've been reading about millenials and new ministry starts is that these social media formats are the way many people communicate.  While facebook and blogs are "ancient" to many in a younger generation, at least we are making an attempt to get more current.

Wandering Vine - Outreach Ministry

Outreach Ministry – Wandering Vine

The Outreach Ministry Team continues to meet through the summer months. We have advertised for our new Director of Outreach, Worship, and Music position. We have placed our position opening in several colleges, seminaries, and synods as well as job placement listings. We have received two applications but the team felt these individuals were not good matches. At our July 8, 2014 meeting we remain committed and excited to get this ministry started. We continue to pursue individuals with unique gifts and skills to lead us in this ministry.

We have also received some grant funding from the ELCA. In the application process we were encouraged to give a name to this ministry. After some brain storming we chose the name Wandering Vine. We are classified a “Mission Probe” and have received a commitment of $18,000 from the ELCA Congregational and Synodical Mission unit for the first year with a possibility of $12,000 for the second year. Our NW MN Synod leaders want to support us in this unique ministry and have also provided a gift of $2125. Given our “missional status” the ELCA is providing Mission Development training for Pastor Isaacson July 30 – August 2 in Minneapolis. We have started a Wandering Vine facebook page and we encourage you to “like” it so we can increase our exposure on the world wide web.

The Outreach Ministry Team requests your help as we proceed through this process. First, pray for this ministry and the people we hope to reach. Pray for an individual who feels called to fill this position and give us leadership and insight. Pray for those who are fulfilling the role of music director to continue our worship and music ministries through the summer months.

Second, help us in spreading the word about this ministry and our new position. Often times it is your networking that leads us to individuals possessing the skills we are looking for to lead this ministry.

Third, continue to give to Trinity Lutheran as our existing ministries need your financial and volunteer support. We are experiencing that summer dip in giving and have had to borrow to meet ministry expenses. Your contributions provide for the ongoing ministries that meet people’s needs in our community.
Faith Connections – Jail Ministry

On Thursday afternoons, a group of dedicated pastors and lay ministers give a part of their day to the pastoral care of those residing at the Tri-County Corrections and the Red River Juvenile Center. Ministers are made available to those who would want to talk or study the Bible. The program is called “Faith Connections” and is received favorably by those who participate and the program administrators. We have found a contemporary English version of the Bible that is often requested which also provides topical helps in the back pages. We had some seed money by which we started to supply Bibles to those who requested and the fund is needing replenishment. If you would like to help us continue to provide Bibles, please make a contribution or memorial to Trinity Lutheran and put “Faith Connections Bibles” in the memo area. For many we visit, this is their first Bible and is one that they are able to understand.